Earlier in the year, we asked colleagues and clients to nominate an individual who they believed had made an outstanding contribution during challenging times. Whilst all our practitioners are experienced and dedicated, the winner is Eve Payne who received wonderful comments shared below.
“Eve shows great empathy and warmth to all clients and colleagues that work with her.”
“Always welcoming to people using the service.”
“Eve is a person who always goes above and beyond within the organisation. She was one of the last staff members to stop working during Covid and one of the first to return taking on extra hours to fill in for absent staff.
Eve was willing to put herself at risk to provide continuing support for our clients, whether it was working in different centres or doing one-to-one. Eve individually tailors’ tasks and activities for all her clients and regularly does this in in her own time. One example of going the extra mile was creating word searches for a client who loves them, based on his family, past employment, and interests. She always brings out the best in clients, particularly during the past year, I feel privileged to work with her.”
Well done Eve and THANK YOU!